!. Sport

2. L Plates

3. Netflix

4. http://7209092941.acnibo.com 

5. Commsec

6. Holidays 

7. https://amway.com.au/r/pqpx 

!. Sport

If dads don't play sport they watch it. Football cricket racing daddy loves them all. We think he should be more interested in women, and I think he does think of girls by the cheerleaders. Dad wants to be the winner of everything. We even think he lost interest in the family but only wanted the kids to be better sports people and mum and the bar maid had to be sure there was beer. Oh yeah dad we had a pub squash. Snooring his head off after the game and all that effort. I tell you dad is the keenest sportsman ever invented and if the kids don't play little league shit.

2. L Plates

If dad lets me borrow the car it will be a miracle. We have to ask first and all those learner driver lessons trying to reverse park and everything. I dare not steal the car and that's big trouble if you do even prison no shit. Dad comprises a savings scheme to save for a car and we come up with all this money. Looking at cars is fun and he keeps encouraging me to save all those hundreds as fast as I can. I keep looking at the car prices and he says you will save enough, and I do. One day I will hand over all that money and the car of my dreams will be mine. Daddy.

3. Netflix

Not all dads are movie buffs but that is great to take dad to the movies with Netflix.

4. http://7209092941.acnibo.com 

5. Commsec

Savings shares and property. Other things will come like gold silver crypto foreign exchange government agencies insurance agencies community groups and superannuation annihilating debt. Dad spoke.

6. Holidays

Dad is super lazy on holiday and eats lots. We all guts ourselves but dad is guts up again like crykie. Early mornings watching the sunrise very important.

7. https://amway.com.au/r/pqpx